Employee Login

The MHS Donation Jar has an Employee Login login ability. It will only work on group-owned land. That does NOT mean the MHS Donation Jar needs to be group-owned. It is the land that the MHS Donation Jar is sitting on... the LAND must be group owned. The reason for this is simple: only members of the group can login as an employee.

In it's default state, Employee Login mode is disabled. Enabling this feature requires two tasks:

  1. It must be activated in the MHS Jar Config notecard.

    • Identify the percentage of the tips to be paid to the employee. This is the "EMPLOYEE_PERCENTAGE=" line. Note: if TipTracer is enabled, then the percentage applies to the net tip amount (i.e., after the TipTracer fee.)

    • Identify the auto-logoff range if the employee exits SecondLife or ventures away by a configured distance (EMPLOYEE_LOGOFF_RANGE=). A value of 0 disables this feature.

  2. After MHS Jar Config notecard is saved and then reloaded, you must then click the jar and in the options dialog click Admin and then Empl Login. This will pop up the viewer's Payment Permissions dialog which you will need to "Grant" permissions.
When Employee Login Mode is enabled, any group member (as dictated by the group-owned land that the jar is rezzed on) can click the jar to "login" to get a percentage of tips put into that jar. However, you (the jar owner) and anyone you have configured in your MHS Jar Operators notecard can not log in as employees. Why? Because for those people, clicking the jar pops up the options dialog. It was decided by the MHS Donation Jar Design & Ethics Board (hehe) that the two features -- "logging in" versus "administration" -- should be kept separate.

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